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Showing posts from May, 2021

Prim's Algorithm

  Prim's Algorithm is a greedy algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree for weighted undirected graphs. Spanning Trees: Retain a minimal set of edges so that graphs remain connected. A tree is a minimally connected graph. Adding an edge to a tree creates a loop and removing an edge disconnects the graph. In this graph, the red edges form a Spanning tree Minimum Cost Spanning Tree: Add the cost of all the edges in the Tree Amount different spanning trees, choose the one with a minimum one Finding Minimum Cost Spanning Trees using Prim's Algorithm Strategy: Incrementally grow the minimum cost spanning tree Start with the smallest weight edge overall Extend the current tree by adding the smallest edge from the vertex of the tree to a vertex not yet reached For example, consider: Start with the smallest edge which is between Vertex 1 and Vertex 3 in the above given example. After this, we can extend the tree by choosing edges that are connected with Vertex 1 and Vertex 3. This

System Dynamics

I completed a Summer Research Internship at the Systems Realization Laboratory at the University of Oklahoma under the mentorship of Dr. Farrokh Mistree (Ph.D. in Engineering from UC Berkeley) and Dr. Janet K. Allen (Ph.D. in Biophysics from UC Berkeley).  Introduction Despite all the analytical prowess that we have achieved in this age, the problems are getting more and more difficult to solve. It’s not just the problems that are getting harder, but the dilemmas of which problems to solve are getting complex day by day. Our world has never been so interconnected as it is today. In this intricate system where the issues are interlinked, solving an issue might solve another issue but it would also have a negative impact on another issue. This is why we need Systems dynamics. Just identifying and solving issues is not enough, but we need to also identify and probe the dilemmas present in the system and make informed decisions regarding which dilemmas should be addressed so that we minimi

Hello World!

 Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic                                                                                                                                                                         -   Arther C. Clarke Technology is advancing faster than ever and is taking less time to get widely adopted. Each time we invent a powerful technology, we open new, untapped domains which are far beyond the horizon of human imagination.  To grasp the rate of acceleration by which technology is improving, consider this case. It took $3 billion and 15 years to sequence the first human genome during the human genome project. Shortly after that, in 2003, the cost of sequencing a human genome for the second time was $50 million. Now you can get your genome sequenced for less than $1000. The living systems work in an intricate, mysterious, but also intriguing manner. Several reactions, processes, transport, packaging, and coordination are taking place in the