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Prim's Algorithm


Prim's Algorithm is a greedy algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree for weighted undirected graphs.

Spanning Trees:

Retain a minimal set of edges so that graphs remain connected. A tree is a minimally connected graph. Adding an edge to a tree creates a loop and removing an edge disconnects the graph.

In this graph, the red edges form a Spanning tree

Minimum Cost Spanning Tree:
  1. Add the cost of all the edges in the Tree
  2. Amount different spanning trees, choose the one with a minimum one
Finding Minimum Cost Spanning Trees using Prim's Algorithm

  1. Incrementally grow the minimum cost spanning tree
  2. Start with the smallest weight edge overall
  3. Extend the current tree by adding the smallest edge from the vertex of the tree to a vertex not yet reached
For example, consider:

Start with the smallest edge which is between Vertex 1 and Vertex 3 in the above given example.

After this, we can extend the tree by choosing edges that are connected with Vertex 1 and Vertex 3. This means we have the option of extending the tree by choosing the edge-
  • Between Vertex 3 and Vertex 0
  • Between Vertex 1 and Vertex 0
  • Between Vertex 1 and Vertex 2
  • Between Vertex 3 and Vertex 4
We extend the tree from the edge between Vertex 1 and Vertex 0 because that is the smallest edge out of the four.

Notice that the smallest edge is of weight 18 which connects Vertex 0 and Vertex 3. However, if we add this edge, it will form a cycle and thus we extend the tree by choosing the edge between Vertex 1 and Vertex 2, which is the second smallest edge.

Finally, we select the edge between Vertex 2 and Vertex 4 which has a weight of 8. Thus, this is how we found a Minimum Spanning Tree using Prim's Algorithm


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